GP presents Derek Gripper’s African string trio, adding to our long and storied list of artists from the Motherland GP has introduced to Los Angeles. Gripper’s heady guitar work is easy to love. The evening will feature extraordinary transcriptions of kora legends Toumani DiabateÌ and BallakeÌ Sissoko, who graced our programs in 1999 and 2017. The African Strings Project adds Kinobe (kora/multi-instrumentalist/Uganda) and Jaja Bashengezi’s (guitar/Democratic Republic of the Congo) fluid strengths. The trio will also perform original and classical works from Gripper’s oeuvre.
We launch GP Amplified at the perfect backdrop for this most intimate concert, the breathtaking Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook in Culver City (6300 Hetzler Rd. Culver City, CA 90232).